Thursday, September 22, 2011

College professor told us the first student to do this gets a 4.0 in his class..?

he said the first student to modify the registry thru regedit to make actual characters show up on the windows login screen... on your password.... i.i my password is 55555 it would show up *****.. how do i get it to show the characters.. and one more thing.. save it so it stays like this on reboot.. how is this going to be possible? where do i start in regedit? if no one knows the answer.. at least a start would be nice.. i can try diff 0 and 1 till something changes.. what and odd professor this one..College professor told us the first student to do this gets a 4.0 in his class..?
If you live in the States, fire up a bunch of e-mails to:

Maximum PC Magazine

PC World Magazine

...and be honest and explain what you just have. Those companies are full to the brim with VERY BRIGHT super nerdy, engineer types who love challenges like that. I'd send lots of e-mails (I would just write one and pitch copies to them) and bug the hell out of them (without being rude or nasty) until one or two answers come your way.

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